Thursday, January 19, 2006

To the Pleasant Tale

I have been doing this for the greatest part of my life. I write personalized poems for friends using the starting letters of their names. That's right! Hence, the poem is theirs alone. Check this out:

To the Pleasant Tale

Like a tall tale, quite inexplicable,
E’er piercing the hefty of human minds;
A splendor continually refreshing,
Hidden from prying crowds armed with their blinds.
Quite pitiable! That hue and pleasantness
Unto them be riddles! A butterfly
In nameless ways from flow’r to flow’r convey
News of bliss that for the world is a why.
Thanks, ay, for such fortune! That such beauty
O’er the world be unknown, is plain to see...

...This poem was written for my friend, as a birthday gift. Take note of the first letters of the poem going downwards.

All you have to do is send the NAME and the SYMBOL you want them to be associated with.

A poet is someone who expresses what everyone else feels... just like Cyrano de Bergerac.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I Have Never Loved Anyone...

I have never loved anyone, as I do you
I have never watched the sun, with a smile
Without burning my eyes
Nor making me sad
Over lost dreams, and shadows and sun and shadows.

I have never looked at the moon, the fair moon,
Upon which lovers loved and swore falsely, or truthfully,
I have never looked at it with such peace and serenity
Knowing that she shall remain forever while I must say goodbye
(From time to time.)

I have never looked at the dark with resignation,
That we all must go
Accepting the fate that Fate has woven for us
That we all must accept that which must be
Though the heart shouts otherwise

And in that resignation and letting go
I never felt so sure
That eternity shall come in half-a-second
When the souls separated by sin and ignorance, and time
Shall be together in peace
And in love
Where no one, not even God
Shall dare separate them
For they, though two, are one.

I have never loved anyone, as I do you,
And if forever shall start in ten thousand lifetimes more,
I shall bide that long, and a day more,
Waiting for the love of my soul.

And not in regret shall I look at the heavens
For what could have been is infinitely sweeter
Than what could never be
At all

For it is a singular blessing
That God in His Goodness
Has deigned to let me look, let me glance
At the mirror of my soul
Reflected in your eyes
That in a hundred thousand lifetimes
Perhaps I have lived
I saw again the love of my soul
In a glance.
Half of it.
Half of half a glance.
And it is enough
More than enough
To last me a hundred thousand lifetimes more.
Even without you.

For your eyes are in me.
And no one shall take them away.
For your smile is always before me
And it never leaves me
In the shadow of death, my angel, you are there
Clasping my hand, when winter overtakes me
Or when the cold embrace of the sea envelops me
Never, never to return

But I am here again.
Always and forever
Coming back to where I began.
You showed me the light
Where to begin, and when in dark
You were there to help me start again.

Given all these, and a million more
Which no amount of poetry
Can describe
What shall prevent me from loving you?

I have no choice at all.
It is as if I was choosing against happiness,
Or choosing evil over good.
It cannot be!
For always the mind is free
Only to choose what is good.
I have never loved anyone
As I have loved you.
And never will I.
For you are the one.
The only one.
I have marched a million paces
Just to be where I am now
And to see you
In your radiance and beauty.

I wasn’t sure then.
Now I am.

But what is in you that I love?
Certainly not your face,
Though it may launch a thousand ships.
For Helen, she created strife.
But you, your face bequeathed peace in my soul,
My angel! My life!

What is in you that I love?
Certainly not your lips
Though sweeter than wine (perhaps) it is.

And though our hands will never get tangled
And though your hands will be
With someone’s hands
Someone stronger, more appropriate
I shall be in white
For you are
And it doesn’t destroy the solemnity
Of a forever
I mean, of a lifetime
For you may belong with someone
As I am
For lifetimes, and a lifetime
But our eternity is one

And as you lay in your bed,
Completely secure and at peace
Know as sure that someone cares for you
More than you could ever imagine
And he doesn’t care about the past
All those past
Nor the future
And all the sad things (correction: not bad)
It may bring.
All he cares is that you live well
And end up happy.
Yes, just like a fairy tale. (June 20, 2003)

31 yeah!

It's 31 months na!!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Might I ask

Might I ask: To what shall I compare thee?
A thing of nature, a thing of beauty;
Reminding forever that which God drew
In eloquence. I essay to word thee new.
Sail I to the great horizon to see,
Sail I as a wandering bark at sea;
A’ this to find what best describes a friend.
Might I add: for whom live I until end.
Until the sickles come, when the Shadow
Leaves the shadow with no more tomorrow;
In that cold hour, when courage turns to fear,
Not a dirge but thy chime shall fill my ear.
Gone may the flesh be; but so long as time
Be forever fleeting, and these my rhyme
Art to thee a poor altar; as these remain,
Youth shall thy name be, which time shall not stain.
Asked, “What then befits compare to thy friend?”
Nay more but a friend; friend until the end.